Cardio Dance

Super fun, fast paced cardio dance class with guest instructor Jaimie! This pumping playlist will have you jamming throughout the whole class.
Happy Hour Barre

This high energy happy hour barre class will have you bouncing, sweating, lunging and pulsing in no time! Light hand weights are optional for upper body work.
Barre Happy Hour

A barreless barre class on the beach with fun tunes, cardio craziness, lots of legs and plenty of core to get your total body fit and toned.
Beach Barrdio

Deep core work, lots of lunges, and fun cardio keeps you literally on your toes through this beach barrdio class. An awesome playlist will get you grooving and
Beach Barre

This barreless beach barre class uses cardio blasts and standing exercises for a long, lean toning effect. These standing moves combine leg, abs, arms and more all in big, fluid movements. Leggings: Be Soulfish
Beach Barrdio

This fast paced barre class on the beach will get you sweating in no time! Cardio bursts combined with full body toning movements will keep your heart rate up throughout the duration of the class. You’ll have fun dancing, toning and working out to this upbeat playlist. Top: Be SoulFish Leggings: Fabletics